Wednesday, October 14, 2015

UniShow Presentations For All Students in Brookville!

On October 12 we had the privilege of presenting three UniShow assemblies for the entire Brookville Pennsylvania school district.

Our unique connection to this town came unexpectedly a year ago when we were contacted by a man who had unknowingly used Dustin's copyrighted UniMan sticker image to make a very cool sign for his son's birthday.  Not only did he apologize for his oversight and ask usage permission, but he became an unofficial "agent" for the UniShow.  Turns out he is well connected in his community and proceeded to spread the word about the UniShow to local schools.  Long story short, this was our second visit to this area for school assemblies through this man's connections.  God works in mysterious ways!

All of our Brookville assemblies were very well received.  Elementary students bused to the high school gymnasium so we only had to set up once for all 3 presentations covering grades K-12.  It was fun to see students clap to the music as Dustin did his tricks and scream when he rode down stairs, jumped over teachers, and pretended to fall from his 10 foot unicycle.  In each presentation, Dustin challenged students to persevere through life's challenges, while looking for ways they can use what they have to make a difference in other's lives to impact the world.

We received great feedback after each UniShow from students and teachers.  High school students came up to us after our final presentation, sharing how Dustin's message had impacted and inspired them.

Click here to watch a short video of some of the fun we had at Brookville schools.

3rd-6th Grade Assembly 
Blurry, but look at those faces!

K-2nd Grade Assembly
More happy faces!

7th-12th Grade Assembly

Our new friend gifted Dustin with a hand-crafted UniMan sign of his own!

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