Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Middle School time at Trinity Christian

Middle schoolers are such fun!  Our October 20th chapel at Trinity Christian School in Sharpsburg Georgia for nearly 300 middle school students did not disappoint.

The fun started before the show as we set up in the noisy gym where students gathered after being dropped off before their first class.  We were busy pumping up tires and setting up our backdrop, sound system and structures.  It was very entertaining to overhear comments thrown around by on-looking students: 
"Is this a dog show?"
"Are there unicorns?"
"I heard we had a guest speaker; this is more than speaking!"

The students cheered, screamed and fist pumped the air at all the right exciting times and sat in attentive silence while Dustin spoke from the Word and his heart.  He challenged them to not do what he did as a student sitting in a Christian school back in the day and only give God part of his life.  He encouraged them to surrender their entire lives to God and then be blown away by how God will fill them and use them to change the world around them.

We learned afterward that the students were not the only ones excited about the show.  A school security guard told us that he had walked in to the control room mid-show and his coworker rewound the security tape from the gym camera saying, "You have to see this!"

It is our prayer that this day will be a defining one in these students lives, marking a deeper commitment and complete surrender of their lives to Jesus!

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