Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sunday School Kicks Off At Resurrection Lutheran

On Sunday, September 13, we returned to Resurrection Lutheran Church in Woodbury MN for their fall Sunday School Kick-Off.  Our first time presenting the UniShow with them was in 2001 and then again in 2004.  It was great to reconnect after many years and have the opportunity to share with a new group of students as they begin a new school year.  

For both the 9a and 10:30a services, Dustin gave the Children's Message to the kids as they gathered in front of the worship center before being dismissed to Sunday School.  He illustrated how just as the unicycle can't do anything unless it has a rider connected to it, we need to be connected to the Word so we can accomplish all God has for us.  Tying into their theme verse for the year (Psalm 119:105), Dustin challenged kids to be connected to God's Word which is a lamp to their feet and a light to their path so God can show them how to use their abilities to impact the world for Him.  After teasing them with a few tricks on his uni and telling the parents they had to stay put, Dustin led the kids out of the service to their room for the full UniShow program.  

Both UniShows went great.  The best part was the awe in which the students watched the cross illustration as Dustin shared the Gospel at the end.  When the paper with sins written on it and pinned to the cross, instantly burns up without a trace, a collective gasp always occurs.  Such a vivid reminder that Jesus paid the price and willingly took our sins upon Himself, removing them as far as east is from west if we ask His forgiveness.  

Sharing the Children's Message in the main church service.


Sharing how even standing on top of a podium, receiving a world championship did not fill the emptiness in his heart.

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