Thursday, October 2, 2014

UniShow Turkey tour 2014

It was great to be back in Turkey again with the UniShow! Performance content included a band, step/stomp routine, Katie dancing and, of course, Dustin’s crowd drawing unicycle riding.

We did 14 performances in 7 cities, mostly around the southwest Mediterranean part of the country. Unlike any previous tour in Turkey, Dustin was able to be completely open with his message during each show, resulting in many people requesting follow-up about what he had shared and receiving DVD’s of powerful, life changing stories.

There were a few people unhappy about what we were sharing and were very vocal about it. This caused police to visit more shows than not. But our Turkish manager (Safak) handled each situation wisely and we were never prevented from presenting. Once the police saw video clips of Dustin’s performance on Yetenek Sizsiniz (Turkey’s Got Talent) and heard he was a world champion they were impressed and happy to let the show go on. Most even requested DVD’s with more information about our message because of their own interest. When a policeman asked Safak how Dustin stayed looking so young, Safak looked toward Dustin and saw a water bottle and bunch of bananas on a nearby ledge. Safak then told the policeman it was because Dustin didn't drink cola and ate bananas every 2 hours. There, now you know, too! :)

Our last outreach, at a seaside skate park in Istanbul, doubled as a send-off party for a friend about to leave Turkey after serving there 4 years. After the outreach, we circled around and prayed for him. A girl who was rollerblading at the park and had watched the show, joined our circle and asked what we were doing. Once we explained prayer, she asked us to pray for her in the same way. Afterward, she gave us all giant hugs then skated off. It was obvious that God had touched her heart.

Turkey is so beautiful! It is incredible to be sharing the same message of Hope in the same places as did so many people we read about in the Bible. Please pray for the hearts of all those who heard this message!

Our team.

Step routine.

Katie with a beautiful Syrian family living in Turkey until the war is over.

Canakkale Turkey with the horse from the movie Troy in the background.

The Band.
After a show in Antalya, this little girl asked if she could talk to "the English guy".  She gave him a little bag of nuts she had bought at a nearby stand to thank him for the great show which she really enjoyed.

Antalya port (Acts 14:25-26).

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