Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sunshine Coast in beautiful British Columbia Canada

The Sunshine Coast in British Columbia has a fitting name.  We so enjoyed our visit to this beautiful part of Canada.  One of Katie's college friends is in leadership at Christ Redeemer Church in Pender Harbour.  She invited us into their community to partner with them for their Sunday morning service as well as a local outreach.  It was refreshing to work with the church leaders who are inspiring their community to reach out with the Gospel both near and far.  We heard that our outreach was a timely example of how God can use anyone to serve Him in creative ways.  Many people expressed how they were challenged to personally share Christ with those around them.  We are excited for the strengthened partnership with this community and hope to return for more outreaches in the future.

It was an extra blessing for our hosts to take us hiking and kayaking to get up close and personal with the beautiful scenery.

Happy reunion of college friends: Katie and Jen.

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