Monday, May 26, 2014

McCornack Unicycle Club and Assembly

McCornack Elementary in Eugene, Oregon has a unicycle club that meets every morning before school at 7.  They invited us to not only do an all-school assembly but join them for their club practice.  At this practice, Dustin showed them a trick or two, did a Q and A and challenged the students to keep on practicing and never give up.  The assembly that followed was very well received by enthusiastic students.  Remarks from teachers following the assembly included, “Best assembly ever!” and “What a great message!” and “When you mentioned Syria, I got tears in my eyes. Thank you for your ride to help them.”

Two weeks later we heard from Katie’s sister regarding this assembly:
“A kid at work today was telling me about the world-famous unicyclist who came to his school and inspired him to start unicycling and join the unicycle club at his school. I got to proudly tell him that the world famous unicyclist is my brother-in-law…Keep up the good work, Dustin!  You are an inspiration!”

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