Sunday, March 19, 2017

"Rock with Wings"

On Thursday, March 16th we had an all school assembly at Shiprock High School in Shiprock NM. The school was in a beautiful setting with the 1,583 ft. sacred "Shiprock" or "rock with wings" in view as we drove in.

Art work in the gymnasium.
The student body president introduced the UniShow, then the fun began. Students responded enthusiastically to Dustin's tricks and stunts and listened attentively to the message he shared, challenging them to press on through life's struggles.  He told about the only thing he has found that filled the emptiness in his life.


Dustin's "help" getting on the 6 foot unicycle.

It was encouraging to hear feedback from the principal afterward that the show had a strong message but wasn't preachy.

After the assembly, students met Dustin and took photos.  Many students had fun trying out unicycles.  A few worked at it for over an hour as we packed things up, making great progress.

Yearbook students took photos of the UniShow.

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