Thursday, March 30, 2017

Convicted by Christ

The plan was to do an outreach outside on Fort Lewis College campus in Durango CO on Thursday, March 23rd.  However, the weather did not cooperate, and the rain and wind was not conducive to being outside performing or watching a performance.  Sadly, this event was cancelled.  But God had other plans and our plan B was most likely His plan A.

At the last minute we were invited to share instead at a weekly meeting called, Convicted by Christ for men who had been incarcerated.  About 30 men gathered and began the meeting worshiping enthusiastically, like men who had been set free, which they had, both physically and spiritually!

Dustin then did an abbreviated presentation, riding a few unicycles, juggling fire, then sharing his testimony and a message of hope in God's power to save and redeem.  He shared his favorite verse from Isaiah 40 about how when we stumble and fall, if we put our hope in God He will renew our strength and we'll soar on wings like eagles. As he shared the verse, a man stood up pointing to his shirt that had that verse on it.  These men know what it means to stumble and fall, and they are seeking the God who has picked them up and given them strength to start again on a better path.

The men were very responsive throughout the presentation, and seemed very encouraged and inspired.  This was one of our favorite events in the area.
They always end their meeting in a circle of prayer.

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