Thursday, February 23, 2017

UniShow in San Francisco

Cornerstone Academy in San Francisco California has two spacious, beautiful and historic campuses three blocks apart, surrounded by crowded city life. One of the campuses used to be Simpson Bible College.  Dustin visited this very college when he was 13 years old, while watching his sister compete in a Bible quizzing competition.

During our recent visit, we were graciously hosted here in a guest room in the dorms where students from China live. These students comprise most of the high school population of the school.

We presented two UniShow assemblies on February 16th, first for high schoolers then for junior highers, in a retro theater in the second campus which used to be a Catholic Girls School a few decades ago.

Though English is a second language for many of the students, they still seemed to thoroughly enjoy the presentations, even laughing at Dustin's jokes. More importantly, they listened intently to the Gospel message and we pray many were impacted by the truth of God's saving love.

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