Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Truckin' along in Turkey

Our Turkey tour has continued east. After Kusadasi, we parked in Antalya for several days. It was cooking here with temps well over 100F (40C). God blessed us with AC and a pool at our nice accommodations. We stayed and performed in the old city near the harbor where Paul and Barnabas sailed from to Antioch. (Acts. 14:25-26).

We performed 2 nights during Antalya's Ramadan Festival at a seaside park. We had a very enthusiastic and loyal crowd who even silenced a protester who shouted that we had no right to come during Ramadan and tell them how to know God better. The rest of the crowd said he was acting shamefully and cheered for us to continue our program. After the events we had many meaningful talks with people wanting to know more of our message of Love, Hope and Life.

We traveled 11.5 hours from Antalya straight to Atatürk Park in Mersin. Though hot and tired, we did 2 simple shows by the seaside, working alongside a handful of local believers. We connected with many in the audience for future follow-up.

God is at work in exciting ways. Thanks for partnering with us.

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