Saturday, July 11, 2009

Spain to Switzerland in one piece (or six)

Sadly our time in Spain has come to an end. Many seeds have been planted and the Bible Festival continues. Please keep praying for those who are continuing the work in Baeza. Pray for a new generation to rise up in Spain that will be changed by the Gospel and not be afraid to proclaim it!

After our day trip from Baeza to Madrid we spent the evening on a whirlwind tour of the central city in Spain. Part of that tour involved a stop at the apartment building in Madrid where Katie's parents lived as missionaries about 35 years ago! 24hrs later we were staying in a YWAM building at the base in Lausanne, Switzerland (with all 6 pieces of our luggage!)...we soon figured out that this was the same building where Katie's parents had lived and trained with YWAM in 1972! How exciting to trace our heritage on this trip.

Last night Dustin did three presentations and shared Christ with hundreds on the shores of Lake Geneva during the Montreux Jazz Festival. We will be repeating this schedule nightly for the next 4 nights. We have already heard many testimonies of lives that were impacted through Dustin's presentation last night. Please continue to pray for Dustin's strength, knees and clarity in the message the Lord gives him.

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